The TASER 7 offers long-range and close-range capabilities, advanced sensors for better connectivity, and improved AXON network integration to streamline workflows and manage inventory and evidence.
Optimised for short-range use
The TASER 7 offers a Close Quarters (CQ) cartridge that increases the probe’s dispersion at close range by 93%. An adapted laser sight is also available to help you hit your target.
Improved probes
The TASER 7 tips fly straighter and faster with nearly twice the kinetic energy for better target engagement, and the tip body breaks off to allow for steep angle engagements.
Adaptive cross-connection
Electric current is intentionally applied between all contacts to help compensate for close proximity of the sensor or disconnection through clothing.
Dock & Walk system
Simply connect the batteries to the docking station to recharge, download firmware updates and device materials to AXON Evidence.